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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Great Video by Questeon

For those who have visited here before, you know that I have a great deal of admiration for  It is much more robust and has much more indepth analysis of Moly and FDR.  I particularly like that he properly categorizes the types of visitors to freedomainradio.  And how he properly explains Moly as a teacher (good), philosopher (below average at best), and then as a family counselor (deeply misguided, dangerous and cult like).

Here is the video

I hope you will visit FDR Liberated and the associated forum.  I also hope Questeon will offer up more video content like this.


  1. Farewell to Freedomain Radio
    Censorship and Criticism

  2. He keeps calling himself a philosopher, but his knowledge is so shallow as to confirm his biases in any given area. Horrible reasoning and a complete lack of logic.

    1. He said he's a history major but so was I and he wasn't in my classes.
